By definition-It is manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being. At Total Body Works this is one of our main goals- to enhance a person’s health and well being. So its only natural to offer massage to our clients. Living life can cause aches and pains, we live in a world of sitting most of the time either at work, driving, school, or even meeting with friend at a coffee shop. LOTS of sitting! If it is not counter balanced by movement either in the gym or getting out in nature our bodies will tell us they are not happy. Enter in massage- we can help the body stretch out and relax. Manually manipulating the shortened muscles to find their way back to neutral.
Jenny has been a Therapist in Colorado Springs for over 20 years. She has always been interested in the human body and how it works, which lead her to emergency medicine and then massage therapy. Jenny has a deep desire to help ease pain and promote wellness in all of her clients. She has experience in multiple types of therapies including Swedish, Trigger Point, Neuro-Muscular, Cupping, Reflexology, and Deep Tissue work. As a graduate from the Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy in 1999 she received a certification in Neuro-Muscular Therapy. From then she has worked with all types of clients ranging from the elderly to infants and everything in between. Jenny is excited to partner with her husband John and the team at Total Body Works to complete the wellness journeys of all clients that walk through the door. She also has joined the team as a personal trainer to benefit her clients even more off the table- for more info
click here.